Friday, February 3, 2012

My daughter, she too can smile

Spread A Little Happyness

February 3, 2012

I awoke this morning with an epiphany. I had this most vivid idea for a book or blog that I could share with others and have them contribute too or add on as we all go through this journey together.

I am a firm be believer that it only takes a smile, a friendly “Good Morning”, or a small act of kindness to a stranger to put in motion that chain reaction that can help make this country great again. Think of how things were many, many years ago. A neighbor may have been miles away, but they were like family. If you needed something everyone banded together to help out that one person or family until it was completed. We as a whole have lost sight of what is truly important and valuable to make whom and what we are wonderful and happy.

I know that growing up I was never handed anything without working for it. I would do household chores and baby sit just to buy something that my parents couldn’t or wouldn’t spend there hard earned money on. I think I was sixteen before I had a pair of Levi jeans, purchased with money from babysitting because according to them that was a frivolous waste of the almighty dollar. But I learned the value of hard work and earning what I wanted, something I think we have ruined for our kids, as we were growing up we all said it ”I’ll never make my kids go through that” or “I’m never going to be like that to my kids, I’ll give them what they want”. Now look what we’ve done, we have raised a country full of spoiled children that were rarely told no, given what they always asked for and the worst side effects are a total lack of common sense and self giving.

I want to hear of stories about sharing, I don’t care if it’s just opening a door for someone that has their hands full or smiling at a senior and making them feel that they still belong everyone needs that now and again. Say Hello to a stranger in the checkout lane at the grocery store, you may be surprised at the conversation you strike up with a person you’ve never meet before. Who knows for you single individuals out there that may be the person you’ve been waiting for your whole life.

Kindness and a smile can make a persons day, is it really all that difficult or time consuming to do?

So here's my challenge to you, I want to read about something you did to spread some cheer or help out a neighbor or even a stranger